October 2024: Billing calculation and reporting, meal break bulk actions, and more
In this release, we've made significant updates to billing calculation and reporting. We've updated the calculation logic and made reporting more transparent. Next, bulk actions for trackable meal breaks have been introduced, and new fields have been added to the employee import template. We've also made several other improvements, which you can learn about below.
🆕 New
Request numbers
We’ve added identification numbers to the workforce request tickets for easier referencing. The number has the “WF-XX” format where “XX” is the sequential number assigned automatically when the ticket is created.

Request number
Punch location
Now, the Map tab in timelog details is always visible. If the punch location is unavailable, the job site address is shown on the map.

Job site address on the map
Bulk actions for trackable meal breaks
You can now add trackable meal break times through bulk actions in Timelogs. There are Meal start and Meal end actions that let you add a break start or end time to multiple timelogs at once.

Meal break bulk actions
Employee bulk assign/unassign
You can now assign employees to or unassign them from a job site in bulk in the Employees section of a job site.
Measurement unit on cost code creation
When creating a cost code from the Cost codes section of a job site, you can select a measurement unit directly from the dialog. You can search or select from the list of existing units.

Measurement unit selection when creating a cost code
Employee import template
The following optional fields have been added to the employee import XLSX template:
- Pay Class
- Comp Code
- Pay Rate (REG, OT, and DT)
- Department
- Job Title
- All the user-defined fields that you have
✅ Improved
Billing calculation and reporting
We’ve updated our billing calculation and also improved billing reporting. Now, billing is calculated based on the number of active employees (active for at least 24 hours). For each billing period, you can download the list of employees for whom you have been billed. For a more detailed breakdown of the calculation and other updates, see our billing documentation.
Special symbols in organization name
When registering your organization on MobiClocks, you are now allowed to use special symbols in the organization name.
Entry duration on hover
The duration of a timelog entry is now visible on hover.

Entry duration on hover