
Overview of different flag types and why they are applied.

Flags is a key timelogs feature that records any unusual activity, incomplete timelogs, failed attempts, and more. With the help of flags, you get the complete picture of all the aspects that need to be addressed before approving a timelog.

There are 11 flag types available, which are discussed later in this article, and you can choose which types to enable in Web App > Administration () > Settings > Flags.

You have an overview of all the flags for your entire timelog history accessed through the Flag filters button at the top of the timelogs list and can select any of the flag types to filter out corresponding timelogs.

In addition, when you select one of the flag types, you can use the Resolve flags button to resolve all the flags of the selected type, as shown in the following screenshot.

Resolving all the flags of the selected type

Resolving all the flags of the selected type



You may resolve flags if you have the Resolve/Unresolve flags and comments permission enabled for your role in Web App > Administration () > Role Permissions > Timelogs. Additionally, you may resolve more than one flag at once if you have the Bulk resolve flags permission enabled for your role under the same setting.

The flag badge in Flag filters contains some additional information:

  • Flag type
  • Flag count, which is the number of timelogs with the given flag.
  • Flag importance. You see either a red flag (high importance) or a yellow flag (medium importance).
Flag badge components

Flag badge components

Individual timelog flags

You can view each individual timelog's flags by clicking on the flag icon on the timelog row in the timelogs list. The following screenshot highlights the flag icon.

Accessing timelog flag details

Accessing timelog flag details

This opens the timelog details screen where information on flags is contained. The screen has multiple tabs for each timelog entry in case the timelog has multiple entries. Each tab has a General Details section where you see the list of all the flags and have a Resolve button next to each flag to resolve it as soon as the flagged issues have been resolved. A resolved flag can also be unresolved in case you want to undo your action, and there's also an option to Resolve all the listed flags at once.



You may resolve flags if you have the Resolve/Unresolve flags and comments permission enabled for your role in Web App > Administration ()> Role Permissions > Timelogs. Additionally, you may resolve more than one flag at once if you have the Bulk resolve flags permission enabled for your role in Web App > Administration () > Role Permissions > Timelogs.

The following screenshot shows an example of flag details for an individual timelog.

Timelog flag details

Timelog flag details

If all the flags for a given timelog are resolved, the flag icon on the timelog entry in the timelogs list becomes green, as shown in the following screenshot.

Resolved flags indication

Resolved flags indication

The next section provides a full list of all the flag types, describing each type and the cases when it is applied.

Flag types

Flag nameDescription
Pin PunchA pin punch is applied in the following cases:
1. Three failed punch attempts. This is the case when 3 failed punch attempts happen in a row. However, there are some differences depending on which app the employee is using for punch:
1a. Kiosk App. The employee is requested to enter an employee number after 3 failed attempts and the punch is classified as a pin punch.
1b. Personal App. A pin punch flag is applied automatically after 3 failed attempts in a row.

2. Similar employees were detected. If the employee makes a punch using Kiosk App, and the face match returns results for more than one employee where none of them has more than 99% resemblance, the app asks to enter the employee number and marks the punch as a pin punch.
Missed PunchThe flag is applied automatically to hourly employees in the following cases:
1. No punch-in. The employee has punched out from the job site without having punched in prior to that.
2. No punch-out. The employee hasn't punched out within 24 hours after punching in.

Under Web App > Administration () > Settings > Punch and Timelogs > Salary Punch Policy, you can choose if the missed punch flag is applicable to salary employees the same way as it's applicable to hourly employees.
Attempt FailedThis flag is applied when one of the punch attempts has failed but the last attempt is successful. If 3 attempts in a row fail, the case falls under Pin Punch.
Manually UpdatedThe flag is applied when an existing punch made from Personal App or Kiosk App has been manually modified later on.
Different Job SiteThe flag is applied when the employee's punch job site is different from the assigned job sites.

Note: The flag is not applied if the Roaming employee setting is on for the employee. Also, if the job site is then manually changed to the employee's assigned job site, the flag is not removed automatically and needs to be resolved manually.
Offline PunchIf the employee's device is offline during the punch, the punch is flagged as an offline punch. The punch is recorded in the system as soon as there is a network connection.
Open DiscussionsThis flag indicates that the timelog contains unresolved comments
Face SpoofingThe flag is applied If the face liveness level during punch is lower than the percentage set in Web App > Administration () > Settings > Punch and Timelogs > Face Liveness Check.
Time SpoofingThe flag is activated if the difference between the employee's device time and the MobicCocks system time is more than 5 minutes. This way, the system detects the cases when the device time has been changed before the punch.
Out of geofenceThe flag is applied if the job site has a geofence zone set, and the employee punches out (punching in beyond the geofence zone is disabled in this case) beyond the geofence zone.
Out of working hoursThe flag is applied if the employee has made a punch outside of job site's working hours, which is specified in the Working Hours Policy section of job site settings.
DIfferent org unitThe flag is applied if the employee has punched at a job site that doesn't belong to their organization unit.