View and edit schedules

View and edit the schedules of individual employees and crews.

In this topic, you'll learn how to view, edit, and delete schedules. The first part of the topic is dedicated to individual employee schedules, while the second part is dedicated to crew schedules.



You may add or edit schedules if you have the Create/edit assignment permission enabled for your role in Administration () > Role Permissions > Workforce.

To get started, from the left-hand sidebar of your MobiClocks Web App, select the Workforce icon and navigate to the Scheduling tab, as shown in the following screenshot.

Navigating to the Scheduling tab

Navigating to the Scheduling tab



You may access the Scheduling tab if you have the View "Scheduling" tab permission enabled for your role in Administration () > Role Permissions > Scheduling.

View, edit and delete individual schedules

Select a date

Select the date range for which you want to view or edit schedules. See Select a date for more details.

Choose a job site

To view schedules for a particular job site, you need to expand the job site entry from the left-hand list of job sites. However, even before expanding the job site, the greyed-out calendar cells on the job site row, highlighted in the screenshot below, indicate that there are schedules for these dates.

Greyed-out cells on the job site row

Greyed-out cells on the job site row

View a schedule

Under the job site entry, you have the list of employees scheduled at the job site. In the calendar, on each employee's row, you can see their schedules in calendar cells. The following screenshot highlights an employee's schedule in the calendar.

An individual employee's schedule

An individual employee's schedule

Select the calendar cell with the schedule to see the details and edit.

Edit a schedule

When you select a schedule, a dialog for editing the schedule opens. The following parameters can be edited:

  1. Dates.
  2. Note. You can edit the note if there's any or add a new one.
  3. Notify employees. If the Notify employees checkbox is selected, the scheduled employee will be notified about their new schedule via the Personal App if they use it.

When you're done, select Save to save the changes.

Delete a schedule

To delete a schedule, select the delete icon in the upper right corner of the schedule editing dialog. The following screenshot highlights the delete icon.

Deleting a schedule

Deleting a schedule

View, edit, and delete crew schedules

Select a date

Select the date range for which you want to view or edit crew schedules. See Select a date for more details.

Choose a job site

To view schedules for a particular job site, you need to expand the job site entry from the left-hand list of job sites. However, even before expanding the job site, the greyed-out calendar cells on the job site row, highlighted in the screenshot below, indicate that there are schedules for these dates.

Greyed-out cells on the job site row

Greyed-out cells on the job site row

View a crew schedule

Crew schedules are visible on the calendar on the crew row. You can also expand the crew to see the schedules of the crew members as shown in the following GIF.

Expanding a crew

Expanding a crew

You can edit the schedules of the crew members separately similar to editing individual schedules, but you are not allowed to select dates outside of their crew's schedule dates.

Edit a crew schedule

To edit a crew schedule, select it from the calendar as shown in the following GIF.

The crew schedule editing dialog is similar to the dialog for adding a crew schedule and you can modify the same properties, including the schedule dates, as well as add or remove members from the crew.



If you change the crew schedule dates, the crew members' schedule dates adjust accordingly unless they were modified manually prior to that. In that case, the member's dates remain as they are.

Additionally, you can perform bulk actions on crew members after selecting one or more employees from the list. The following screenshot highlights the bulk actions.

Crew member bulk actions

Crew member bulk actions

The following bulk actions are available.

Change workdays

Using this action, you can change the schedule dates of the selected members. Note that a crew member's dates cannot be extended beyond the dates of the crew schedule.


Using this action, you can remove the selected members from the crew schedule.

Move to

Using this action, you can move the selected members to another job site. The following screenshot shows the dialog where you can modify the employees' schedule dates and select the job site for moving.

**Move to** dialog

Move to dialog

The selected schedules are moved to the new job site as individual schedules. However, if you select the Move to crew checkbox, you can specify a crew from the new job site to add the schedules under that crew. The following screenshot highlights a selected crew from the new job site and also the dates updated after selecting the crew.

New crew selected

New crew selected

As soon as you select a crew from the new job site, the schedule dates of the selected members are adjusted accordingly. Anyways, you can still edit the members' dates as long as they are within the dates of the new crew.

Delete a crew schedule

Select a crew schedule from the calendar. In the schedule editing dialog, select Delete schedule as highlighted in the following screenshot.

Deleting a crew schedule

Deleting a crew schedule

Remove members from the crew schedule

It is also possible to delete members from a crew schedule, which deletes the member's schedule and removes them from the crew. To do that, open the crew editing dialog and remove the member from the crew as shown in the following screenshot.

Removing crew members

Removing crew members

Alternatively, you can remove crew member schedules directly from the calendar similar to removing individual schedules.