Track meal breaks
A step-by-step breakdown of the employee meal start and meal end flows.
If Trackable meal policy is activated for the selected job site (See Select a job site), the employees have the option to take a meal break manually. Break duration and frequency are configured in Meal break settings but can also be overridden in the meal break settings of the job site.
To let employees track meal breaks, enable the Meal time toggle on the home screen of Kiosk App, as highlighted in the following screenshot.

Meal time
Now, employees can start and end meal breaks, which is discussed next.
Start a meal break
To start a meal break, the employee needs to perform the following steps.
Step 1: Select Start Meal
The employee must select Start Meal from the home screen of Kiosk App. If Geofence lock is activated in the meal break settings of the job site, the employee must be within the selected job site's geofence zone to be able to start a meal break.
Step 2: Take a photo or enter the employee number
If Face recognition is activated in the meal break settings of the job site, employees are required to take a photo of themselves.
If multiple faces are detected in the photo taken by the employee, the one that occupies the most area inside the photo is processed.
If Face recognition is not activated, employees are asked to enter their employee number.
Additionally, face recognition is switched off if the device is offline. In this case, the employee is asked to enter the employee number. Offline meal break starts are stored until the device goes online and can submit them to the system.
Step 3: Identification
If identification is done through the employee number, the system can either detect the provided employee number and register the meal start under the employee's name or conclude that there's no such employee number.
If Face recognition is activated, it is applied to the photo taken by the employee to identify the person and record the meal start under the employee's name. The following outcomes are possible:
- The employee is recognized and the meal start is successful.
- The employee is not recognized and the attempt is unsuccessful. After three unsuccessful attempts, the employee is required to enter the employee number.
- The system establishes a close match with an existing employee profile. In this case, the employee is required to enter the employee number.
End Meal Break Instead
If the employee starts a meal break again after having already started one, they are notified that the action cannot be completed and are suggested a End Meal Break Instead action.
End a meal break
The meal end flow is similar to the meal start flow discussed earlier, and the same requirements and settings apply.
If Prevent ending early is activated in the meal break settings of the job site, the employees may not end the meal break earlier than the specified break duration.
Start Meal Break Instead
If the employee is trying to end a meal break but hasn't started one yet, they are notified that the action cannot be completed and are suggested a Start Meal Break Instead action.
Updated about 14 hours ago