Employee Setup
Configuring employee profile settings.
In this section, you can specify values for Department, Compensation, Job Title, and Work Classification fields in the employee profile.
To add a new option, you need to enter the value under one of the columns and select the Add button. You can also edit the existing values.
Department List
Here, you specify the departments available in your organization. Employees can then be assigned to a specific department from the employee profile.
Compensation List
Coming soon!
Job Title List
Here, you specify the job titles available in your organization. Employees can then be assigned a specific job title from the employee profile.
Work classifications
Employee classification refers to the categorization of workers based on their job duties, skills, and responsibilities on federal or federally-assisted construction projects. It is required for certified projects. For each classification you must also assign a skill level: Skilled or Unskilled.
Updated about 1 month ago