Job site list

How to view and navigate the list of job sites.

The job site list contains all the job sites that have been added to your MobiClocks environment, as shown in the following screenshot.

Job site list

Job site list

The following fields are included in the list:

  • Job sites. This field contains the job site number. Each job site has a unique identification number that is specified when creating the job site.
  • Org Unit. The field shows the organization unit that the job site belongs to. It is only visible if your MobiClocks environment is converted to an enterprise structure.
  • On site/Today. The number of employees that have attended the job site today.
  • Linked GC. The field is visible if MobiLink is activated for your environment. It shows the connected general contractor if any.
  • Linked Sub(s). The field is visible if MobiLink is activated for your environment. It shows the connected subcontractors if any.
  • Status. The field shows the status of the job site.
  • Policies. The field shows the policies that are activated for the job site. See Lunch policy and Break policy to learn more.

Search and filtering

The job site list can be searched by job site number, and there are also the following options available under All filters.

Employee assignment

The filter has the following options:

  • All job sites. Show all job sites.
  • Have assigned employee(s). Only show the job sites that have assigned employees.


The filter has the following options:

  • All job sites. Show all job sites.
  • Have timelogs(s) with an entry. Only show the job sites that have one or more timelogs with an entry.

Sync status

The filter has the following options:

  • Synced. Show the job sites synced from a third-party integration.
  • Manual. Show the job sites that have been created manually..

Certification status

The Certification status filter has the following options:

  • Certified. Show certified job sites.
  • Not certified. Show job sites that are not certified.

Face recognition

The Face recognition filter has the following options:

  • Recognition enabled. Show job sites that have face recognition enabled.
  • Recognition disabled. Show job sites that have face recognition disabled.

Offline face recognition

The Offline face recognition filter has the following options:

  • Offline recognition enabled. Show job sites that have offline face recognition enabled.
  • Offline recognition disabled. Show job sites that have offline face recognition disabled.

Lunch policy

The Lunch policy filter has the following options:

  • Lunch policy enabled. Show job sites that have lunch policy enabled.
  • Lunch policy disabled. Show job sites that have lunch policy disabled.

Break policy

The Break policy filter has the following options:

  • Break policy enabled. Show job sites that have break policy enabled.
  • Break policy disabled. Show job sites that have break policy disabled.

Job site status

Filter the list by job site status.

Connected GC

Filter the list by the connected general contractor.

Connected subcontractor

Filter the list by the connected subcontractors.