Employee profile editing
Overview of the employee profile settings.
This is a full overview of the employee profile details. The basic fields and settings are discussed in the Manually create an employee article, so here you'll get familiar with the additional settings that become available after creating the employee profile. Nevertheless, in the case of basic fields, there are some aspects that are different when creating an employee profile and when editing it.
Your role needs to have View employee profile and Edit employee profile permissions under Web App > Administration > Role Permissions > Employees to be able to view and edit the profile after creation.
Role change
There is a dedicated role permission for changing the employee role, which is applied when editing the employee role and not when creating it.
Your role needs to have a Change employee role permission under Administration > Role Permissions > Employees to be able to change the role.
Company change
If you attempt to change the employee's company, you’ll see a date picker to schedule the transfer date.

Scheduling company change
Depending on the scheduling settings (weekly or biweekly scheduling) configured in the MobiClocks Admin Portal, your past date selection range will be either 1 (in case of weekly scheduling) or 2 (in case of biweekly) weeks. This means that, in case of weekly scheduling, the earliest date that you are able to select for transfer is one week before your current date. Same transfer date rules apply for Pay Group change, which are discussed shortly.
Your role needs to have an Employee company change permission under Administration ⇒ Role Permissions ⇒ Employees to be able to change the company after you’ve already set it.
Profile Info
This section discusses the rest of the settings under the Profile Info section of the employee profile, which are not discussed in Manually create an employee, as they appear only after the employee profile is created. The following screenshot shows the fields that are discussed.
The following fields are included:
- Pay class. Here, you can specify a pay class for an employee, which can be different from the pay classes set for job sites. See Pay classes for more details.
- Comp code. This is a compensation code that insurance companies use to estimate rates based on the risk level of work that employees are performing.
- SS number. The last four digits of the employee's social security number, which is required as part of federal or federally-assisted construction projects. This field appears if certified payroll is enabled for your MobiClocks environment.
- Email and Phone Number. Here you can specify employee's email and phone number, which are also used to activate the employee's user account.
- Address. Specify the employee's address.
You will need to specify the Email to be able to create a User Account for the employee. Meanwhile, user account activation can be done either via email or phone (sms verification).
- Job title and Department. The options for these fields are defined in Administration > Settings > Employee Setup. If no values are specified for these fields, they aren't shown in Profile info.
- Work classification. Work classification refers to the categorization of employees based on their job duties, skills, and responsibilities on federal or federally-assisted construction projects. This field appears if certified payroll is enabled for your MobiClocks environment. Available classifications are set up in Administration > Settings > Employee Setup.
- Skill tags. You can assign skills to the employee. The list of available skills is specified under Administration > Tag Management > Employee Skills.
- Crews. View the employee's crew tags crew tags if any. Crew tags are assigned to employees from the job site's employees section.
- User defined fields. Here, all the custom fields added for your environment under Administration > Settings > User Defined Fields > Employee. are shown.
Your role needs to have the Edit UD fields permission under Administration Role Permissions > Employees to be able to edit user-defined fields.
User Account
Creating a user account for an employee is optional, but it’s needed to let employees perform actions, such as punching in to a job sites, from their personal devices or other MobiClocks apps.
Your role needs to have a Change user account settings permission under Administration Role Permissions > Employees to be able to create and configure user accounts.
The user account needs to be created manually after creating the employee profile. To do that, navigate to the User Account tab in the employee profile and select the Create account button, as shown in the following screenshot.

Create account button
Next, you’ll need to choose the verification method. If the employee profile has both email and phone number specified, you’ll have both options to choose from. The following screenshot shows the verification dialog box.

Selecting a user account activation method
After choosing the preferred option, select the Send button. The employee will receive an email or an sms with a link to set up a personal account through the MobiClocks Web App or by downloading the MobiClocks Personal App.
As soon as the employee sets up the account, you’ll be able to access the user account details and will also see a Created badge at the top of the User Account tab.

User account status and actions
Note that you also have two actions next to the badge: Reset password and Disable. The first one lets you send password reset instructions to the employee’s email, while the second one lets you disable the user account, preventing the employee from accessing it.
Now that you’ve set up a user account for the new employee, you can proceed with configuring some additional parameters for the account.

User account settings
First comes the Username, which employees will use for their accounts. By default, it borrows the employee’s email as its value, but you can customize it.
Next, you have the Role permission settings. New employees are automatically assigned the permissions that are defined for their roles in Administration > Role Permissions, but here you are able to view the complete list of employee permissions and override any of those for the given employee.
Your role needs to have an Employee permission override permission activated under Administration > Role Permissions > Employees to be able to edit employee permissions.

List of employee permissions
GPS tracking
If GPS tracking is enabled, you’ll be able to track the employee’s location.
Employee location is only tracked when they are punched in.
The frequency with which the coordinates are stored and sent to the system is specified through Getting interval and Sending interval. If you don’t modify these two, the default values set in Administration > Settings > GPS are used.

GPS tracking
Following the GPS tracking settings is the Settings section, where you have several additional options for managing what the employee can do through the personal app.

Here’s the list of the available settings:
- Allow personal app punches. Let employees punch into and out of the job site using their personal app.
- Cost code on punch out. The employee will be asked to cost code all the timelogs on punch out.
- Geofence lock. If the option is enabled, the employees will only be able to punch into a job site if they are within the job site's geofence lock. See Geofence zones for more information.
- Roaming employee. Employees are able to punch into any job site regardless of the job sites assigned to them. In addition, roaming employees can punch regardless of the job site's working hours policy.
Signed-in device
Lastly, the User Account tab has a Signed-in devices list where all the signins along with Device model, OS, Signin date, and other parameters are logged.
General Settings
Lunch and break policies
Lunch and Break Policy settings don't appear if the employee's pay group is set to
. Additionally, you can enable or disable lunch and break policies settings from Administration > Settings > Punch and Timelogs.
Your role needs to have an Edit general settings permission enabled under Administration > Role Permissions > Employees) to be able to edit the General Settings section in employee profile..
You have two settings under Lunch Policy. The first lets you choose if you want the lunch duration to be auto-applied for the given employee. For example, if the employee has logged 5 hours of work, and the lunch duration is set to 1 hour, the lunch duration is automatically subtracted from the employee's logged hours, resulting in 4 logged hours.
The Auto-apply toggle needs to be activated both in from Working hours policy settings of the employee’s job site and in the employee’s profile for the feature to be applied.
Break Policy auto-apply works the exact same way.
Next, you have the Lunch duration. The default value for this field is defined in Administration > Settings > Punch and Timelogs but it can be overridden from Working hours policy settings of the employee's job site. In turn, the value here in the employee’s profile overrides the one in job site settings and, thus, has the highest priority.
Break duration works the exact same way as Lunch duration.
Next, you have two more settings under Other:
- Policy group. Pay policy groups (include parameters such as work day duration, work week duration, and others) are set up in Administration > Pay Policy > Policy Groups, and here you can choose any of the available options or leave the default pay policy.
- Leave of absence. For each working day, an empty timelog is automatically generated and is then filled in by the employee. If this toggle is enabled, no timelog will be generated for the employee when on leave of absence.
Non eligible for rehire
If this setting is activated, you are not able to re-activate the employee profile if it has been disabled. See Manually create an employee for more information on employee profile status.
Your role needs to have an Enable/disable employee permission activated under Administration > Role Permissions > Employees to be able to disabe an employee profile.
Ignore job site hours policy
This setting allows an employee to punch at any job site regardless of the job site's working hours policy. The same setting is available in the job site employees section to configure this rule per specific job site.
If the Ignore job site hours policy is activated
- It prevents the Auto-adjust punches to work hours setting from being applied if it's enabled in the job site's working hours policy settings.
- The Lock hours option in the job site's working hours policy settings must be turned off so that employees are able to punch outside of working hours.
Other important behavior to note:
- When an employee is first assigned to a job site, the system automatically applies the employee profile's Ignore job site hours policy setting to that assignment. This setting can be modified later in the job site employees section.
- For existing job site assignments, changes to the Ignore job site hours policy setting in the employee profile will not affect the existing assignments. The setting in the job site employees section takes precedence.
Assigned job sites
In this section, you can assign a job site to the employee as well as view the complete history of the past job sites.
To assign a new job site, you need to select the Assign job site button in the upper right corner of the screen, select a job site from the dropdown list, and select Save.
Your role needs to have the Assign/unassign to job site(s) permission activated under Administration > Role Permissions > Employees to be able to assign job sites to employees.
PMs and derived roles must have the Self-assign to all job site(s) permission to see the complete list of job sites in their environment and be able to assign themselves to any of these job sites. If your organization is converted to an enterprise structure, the list of job sites is limited to the user's org unit.
The following screenshot shows the dialog box where you can search for job sites and assign them to employees.

Job Site selection
The first job site you assign to the employee becomes the main job site. If you assign more sites to the employee, you can select another site to be the Main one from the three dots menu on the job site entry. In the same menu, you have the option of removing the job site, which will remain in the list, having its end date changed to the date of removal.

Setting a main job site
Pay rates
In this section, you see the pay rates of the selected employee and can set new rates.
For each employee pay group, you must have the corresponding permission activated in Administration > Role Permissions > Employees to be able to see their pay rates. The following are the permissions for each pay group:
- View hourly employee rate
- View salary actual employee rate
- View salary employee rate
On the highest level, pay rates are set up in company details where you can specify Company default rates as well as separate rates for each Job Title.
So, if the employee profile has a Job Title that has pay rates set up for it in the employee’s company details, those pay rates are applied for the employee by default. Otherwise, company default rates are applied. The following screenshot shows an example where company default rates are applied.

Company default rates applied
There can be cases when there is no Company default rate or Job Title rate set up. If neither of those is specified, you’ll need to set rates for each employee profile separately, which is discussed next.
Lastly, you can select the Set rates button and define rates specific to the employee.
Your role needs to have an Edit pay rates permission activated under Administration > Role Permissions > Employees to be able to set new rates for the employee.
In the dialog box that opens next, you can set rates for the following pay IDs:
- Regular
- Double-Time
- Overtime
See Pay ID for more details on pay IDs. The following screenshot shows the dialog box for setting employee pay rates.

Set rates dialog box
Finally, as shown in the following screenshot, you have a Show History button to view the history of all the previously applied rates.

Show history
Payroll Item Mapping
Payroll items mapping group is a set of mappings that indicates which MobiClocks pay IDs corresponds to which payroll items. Payroll items are entities from MobiClocks integrations that are equivalent to pay IDs in MobiClocks. However, you need to explicitly establish a connection between each pay ID and payroll item to be able to export payroll reports correctly to integrated platforms (accounting systems, for example).
In this section of the employee profile, you can select payroll mapping groups for the employee. By default, the mapping groups specified for the employee's company are selected, but you can select from any other available mapping groups.
See Map pay IDs for exporting for more details on creating payroll mapping groups.
Your role needs to have the Set payroll item permission activated under Administration > Role Permissions > Employees to be able to select a payroll mapping.
Similar employees
Here, you have the list of all the other employee profiles that have been qualified by the system as similar to the given employee. The profile card of a similar employee includes a profile picture, status, name, and employee number. The following screenshot shows an example of a similar employee card.

Similar Employees
Locating similar employees can help you identify duplicate profiles (for instance, if the employee already had a profile but created a new one) and manage them.
Face library
This is a collection of all the photos that were taken for punch-in but were not recognized by the system.
For a photo to appear here, it first needs to be added to Face Library from the employee’s timelog that contains the unrecognized punch-in photo.
Once the photo is in Face Library, you can remove it or add it as a profile photo. This can be useful if, for instance, the appearance of the employee has changed, and the profile photo needs to be updated to reflect the current appearance.
Travel Settings
Travel settings are relevant for cases when you want to cover your employees’ expenses for traveling to the job site.
Your role needs to have the Edit travel time, mileage & per diem permission activated under Administration > Role Permissions > Employees to be able edit travel settings on employee profile.
Follow these steps to enable travel settings:
- Enable the Travel time and mileage tracking module in the MobiClocks Admin Portal.
- In the MobiClocks Web App, enable the Travel time and mileage tracking toggle in Administration > Settings > Punch and Timelogs.
- Enable Tracking in job site's Travel Settings and add Travel time and other parameter values.
As soon as travel settings are activated, all the travel expenses logged by the employee will appear in the Travel Settings section of the employee profile. The following screenshot shows an example of travel expenses logged by an employee.

Travel log
For each entry, you can override time, miles, and per diem as well as switch on the Auto-apply toggle to have job site default values applied to the entry.
Accepted Terms
In this section, you see the history of all the documents, such as an affidavit, accepted by the employee. The following screenshot shows an example of a list of accepted documents.

List of accepted documents
View-only profile mode
There can be cases when you may view the employee profile in view-only mode without the ability to make any edits. This is the case, when you have a PM or a derived role and want to view employee profiles outside of your job site. See Assign employees to learn more.
Updated 8 days ago