Job site settings
Configuring a job site.
Each job sites in your MobiClocks environment can be configured to fit your project's needs. This topic provides an overview of all the available settings, explaining what each setting is for and how it's configured.
You may access job site settings if you have the View "Settings" tab permission enabled for your role in Web App > Administration () > Role Permissions > Job Sites.
To access job site settings, select a job site in the job site list to navigate to the job site details page. Job site settings are located in the Settings tab of the details page.
General settings
You may edit general settings if you have the Edit general settings permission enabled for your role in Web App > Administration () > Role Permissions > Job Sites.
The following settings are available in this section:
- Organization Unit. The organization unit that the job site is part of. This option will be available only if your MobiClocks environment is converted to an enterprise structure.
You may assign a job site to an Organization Unit if you have the Assign to organization unit permission enabled for your role in Web App > Administration () > Role Permissions > Job Sites.
- Job site name
- Job site number. A unique identifier for the job site. The format of the job site number can be specified in Web App > Administration () > Settings > Job Site Setup.
- Main address
- Start date The start date of the job site.
- End date. The end date of the job site.
- Timezone. The timezone of the job site's location. The list starts with the Recent section that contains the timezones recently used in your MobiClocks environment.
- Status. A newly created job site is automatically assigned an Active status. However, if the job site is no longer needed in your environment (for example, the work has been completed), you can Archive or Disable it. Technically, these two options are similar, and they both remove the job site from the default Active list as well as unassign all the assigned employees.
- Face recognition. If this setting is deactivated, employees are no longer required to take a photo when punching. When entering the job site using Personal App, employees only need to press the Punch In button (or the Punch Out button if they are leaving the job site). In the case of Kiosk App, however, employees also need to enter their employee number. Learn more about how face recognition works in Face recognition.
- Offline face recognition. If this setting is enabled, employees can punch to the job site using face recognition even if the device is offline. In this case, the face recognition process works the same way as online, and identification takes place instantly without internet connection.
In-geofence punch out only
If this setting is enabled, job site employees can only punch out if they are within the geofence zone of the job site.
Certified payroll
In this section, you can activate Certified Payroll for the job site. Certified payroll is a payroll report type required from contractors working on federally funded projects. The main goal is to make sure that employees working on the project are paid the prevailing wage or the average wage for employees in a given occupation. Learn more on certified payroll at
Activating Certified Payroll adds a Pay Classes tab to the job site details page (available in Web App). Pay class is used to define the employee wage rates that are required by the certified payroll.
Lastly, when you enable Certified Payroll, a Require pay class cost coding toggle appears below, which, if enabled, requires you to apply pay classes during cost codingto be included in the payrollreport.
You may access the Pay Classes tab if you have the View "Payroll Classes" tab permissions enabled for your role in Web App > Administration () > Role Permissions > Job Sites. Additionally, you may configure pay classes if you have the Add/edit payroll class permission enabled for your role under the same Administration () setting.
User-defined fields
In this section, you see all the custom fields set up in Web App > Administration () > Settings > User Defined Fields > Job Site. Using this option, you can supplement the job site profile with any additional details that are not accounted for by the default settings.
Working hours policy
You may configure working hours if you have the Edit "Job Site Hours" policy permission enabled for your role in Web App > Administration () > Role Permissions > Job Sites.
You can activate this setting to specify working hours and some additional settings for your job site. If the Working hours option is activated, you can configure the following settings:
- For each day of the week, you can indicate job site working hours or mark the job site as Closed. There is an All day option to indicate that the job site is open for 24 hours. The following screenshot shows the Working hours section in job site settings.

Working hours
- Auto-adjust punches to work hours. After setting working hours for the job site, you can have the system auto-adjust punch times according to site working hours. For example, if the job site's working hours are from 10 PM to 7 PM, and the employee has punched in at 9PM and punched out at 6 PM, the employee's punch-in time is adjusted to 10PM to remain within the working hours range, while the punch-out time remains as it is, since it is already within the working hours range.
- Lock hours. If this setting is on, employees are not able to punch in before the job site opens.
- Flag punches off working hours. If employee punch times are beyond job site working hours, the timelog is flaggedas Out of working hours.
- Grace period. Here, you can set how much the punch time can deviate from the job site working hours and not be flagged as Out of working hours. If, for example, the grace period is set to 10 minutes and the job site closes at 7 PM, a punch time between 7 PM and 7:10 PM is not flagged.
Updated about 2 months ago