Kiosk App management

Overview of the Kiosk App features intended for the managing personnel.

This topic discusses those sections and actions of Kiosk App that are intended for the managing personnel such as PMs or similar roles.

Employee roster

The employee roster is the list of employees of the selected job site. Accessing the employee roster requires authentication, and only PMs or roles derived from the PM template may authenticate.



The employee roster is only available on the Android version of the Kiosk App.

You can search the list by employee name or number as well as see employee punch-in and punch-out times. The following screenshot shows the employee roster.

Employee roster

Employee roster

Tap on the employee name to open the employee profile details. The following details are available in the profile details:

App reset

You can use the reset option to reset the Kiosk App to its initial state where the app is not connected to any Kiosk clock. The action requires authentication by PMs or roles derived from the PM template.



You may reset clocks at your own job site if you have the Reset clocks at assigned job sites permission enabled for your role in Web App > Administration () > Role Permissions > Clocks.

If you have the Reset any clock permission, you may reset any Kiosk App.

To do a reset, tap and hold Reset on the home screen, then enter your credentials. The following screenshot highlights the Reset action on the home screen.

Reset action

Reset action

Punch count

On the home screen of the Kiosk App, you can see the number of punches completed from the app as well as the number of punches that have been made offline and have not been submitted yet. The following screenshot highlights these two metrics on the Android version the Kiosk App.

Punch count on the Android version of Kiosk App

Punch count on the Android version of Kiosk App

The iOS version of the app doesn't display the overall number of punches and only shows the number of offline punches under Offline punches.