Account management

Manage your account in the Personal App.

In the Account section of the Personal App, you can view information on your profile and activity as well as configure Personal App preferences. To access the Account section, tap your profile picture in the upper-right corner of the home screen.

General details

At the top, below your profile picture, you see your name employee number. Also, you have the following personal information:

Daily activity

Tap Daily activity to access information about your daily activity for the current week.


Access your certifications.

Terms & conditions

View the terms and conditions documents, such as Terms and Conditions or Affidavit, that you have accepted.

Privacy Policy

View the MobiClocks privacy policy.

Send feedback

Report issues, suggest new features, and more.

Change password

Change the password of your user account.

Notifications and reminders

See Notifications and reminders.


In this section, you select the app's language and how distance units are measured.