Review and export payroll

How to review payroll data and export it to third parties.

In this topic, you'll learn how to review payroll data, generate payroll reports, and export payroll reports to third-party software. In order to export payroll reports to other platforms, such as accounting software, for processing, you first need to map pay IDs to establish a connection between the pay IDs in your MobiClocks environment and those in the third-party software.

The payroll review and approval process takes place in the Payroll dashboard, which is accessed through the Payroll tab in the left-hand navbar of your MobiClocks Web App.



You may access the Payroll tab if you have the View "Payroll" tab permission enabled for your role in Administration () > Role Permissions > Payroll.

The Payroll dashboard is a Kanban board where each item or card represents weekly payroll data generated for a particular job site. Job site payroll cards are generated automatically by the end of each week and appear under the To do column to be reviewed.

Before proceeding with payroll review, you have an option to Recalculate Per Diem. This is similar to the Recalculate option in the employee per diem settings but recalculates per diem allowances for your whole MobiClocks environment, updating all the latest calculations for all the employees.



You may recalculate per diem if you have the Per diem recalculation permission enabled for your role in Administration () > Role Permissions > Payroll.

Continue to the next section to get started with the review process.

Step 1: Specify date and company

To start the review process, you first need to specify two parameters in the Payroll dashboard:

  • Company. Choose a company to see corresponding payroll data. An All option is available as well to see data for all the companies at once.
  • Date. Select a payroll week.

The following screenshot highlights these two filters on the dashboard page.

Company and date filters

Company and date filters

So, as soon as you select which company and week you want to manage payroll for, you see the available items under the To do column and can start reviewing them.

Step 2: Review payroll

To review a particular job site payroll card, you need to select it to navigate to the details page. The details page includes all the relevant timelogs that have been generated under the selected job site. The list of timelogs consists of the following columns:

  • Employee Name. Name of the employee.
  • Day. When the timelog was generated.
  • Cost code. The cost code assigned to the timelog.
  • Pay ID. The pay ID of the timelog.
  • Billable. Indicates whether the cost code is billable or not.
  • Pay Class. The pay class of the timelog if any.
  • Payroll Item Name. The name of the payroll item in the third-party software that corresponds to the timelog's pay ID. See Map pay IDs for exporting.
  • Timelog duration
  • Problems. Any issues that can prevent the timelog from being approved. See Approve payroll for the list of possible issues.

Cards of disabled job sites are also visible on the dashboard if they contain timelogs. In that case, the job site number badge on the card has a disabled state, as highlighted in the following screenshot.

Disabled job site card

Step 3: Approve payroll

After reviewing the job site card, you can proceed with approving it. There are two methods you can use for approval:

  • Select the Approve payroll button from the job site payroll card's details page.
  • Drag and drop the card to the Approved column in the Payroll dashboard.



You may approve payroll if you have the Approve payroll permission enabled for your role in Administration () > Role Permissions > Payroll.

If there are any issues and payroll cannot be approved, you are notified about it through a dialog box that has details on the issues. The following issues are possible:

  • Missing cost codes. One or more timelogs are not cost-coded.
  • Missing payroll item mapping. One or more payroll items are not mapped.
  • Missing punches. There are timelogs with missed punches.

The following screenshot shows an example of an error dialog box that appears when a job site card has issues and cannot be approved.

Payroll errors dialog box

Payroll errors dialog box

If there are no issues, and the payroll is eligible for approval, you see a dialog box to confirm the approval or cancel it, as shown in the following screenshot.

**Approve payroll** dialog box

Approve payroll dialog box



If a payroll is approved, all the related timelogs become locked and cannot be edited.

Lastly, if for some reason, the approval needs to be reverted, you can move the card to the Rejected column.



You may reject payroll if you have the Reject payroll permission enabled for your role in Administration () > Role Permissions > Payroll.

There is also an option to Lock payrolls in the Approved column, to prevent them from being rejected.



You may lock payroll if you have the Lock payroll permission enabled for your role in Administration () > Role Permissions > Payroll.

The Lock payrolls action is accessed from the more icon ( ) in the Approved column, as shown in the following screenshot.

Lock payrolls

Lock payrolls action

Step 4.1: Download payroll reports

As soon as all your payroll cards are approved, you can download the payroll report using the Download report as option. By default, you have the Weekly payroll report, but you can also contact the MobiClocks team to request custom report types that suit the software you use for payroll processing.



You may download payroll reports if you have the Download reports permission enabled for your role in Administration () > Role Permissions > Payroll.

Payroll reports can also be downloaded from within the job site payroll card. In that case, only the data of the selected job site is included.



By default, in the Payroll dashboard, you can download reports only if all the payroll cards have been approved. However, for custom report types, you can request the MobiClocks team to make them available before approval as well.

In contrast, inside the job site payroll card, report downloads are available at all stages of the payroll approval.

Lastly, if you are finished with a payroll card, you can move it to the Done column in the dashboard. Note that once a card is moved to Done, it can't be moved back.



You may move payroll cards to Done if you have the Done payroll permission enabled for your role in Administration () > Role Permissions > Payroll.

Step 4.2: Publish payroll

Finally, you can move a payroll card to the Published column if you want to send it to a connected software to be processed. See Payroll publishing for more details.



You may publish payroll tab if you have the Publish payroll permission enabled for your role in Administration () > Role Permissions > Payroll.

After moving the item to the Published column, you can monitor its status. You are notified if the item has been published successfully or if there have been any issues. The following screenshot shows an example of a failed attempt.

Failed payroll item

Failed publishing attempt

In such cases, you can enter the payroll card details page and learn more about the reasons for failure in Payroll history. Payroll history also includes details on other events such as approval, rejection, and so on.

Payroll history

Payroll history

After addressing the issues, you can select the Retry button in the Payroll dashboard to try publishing the payroll item again.

Retry button

Retry button