Edit timelogs and apply actions
Actions that can be performed on individual and a group of timelogs
Using timelog actions and other settings, you can modify existing timelogs as well as add or remove information. This topic features a complete list of all the available timelog actions. Next, some additional settings such as lunch and break policies are discussed. Lastly, you learn about the bulk action types that are available if multiple timelogs are selected.
Timelog actions
You can access timelog actions by selecting the more icon on an individual timelog in the timelogs list.

Timelog actions
You may perform actions on a timelog if you have the Update Timelog permission enabled for your role in Administration > Role Permissions > Timelogs.
This permission doesn't apply to actions that have their own distinct permission setting. Such cases are described further in this document.
The following actions are available.
Set Regular Time
Using this action, you can set a manual punch from 12 AM to 23:59 PM. The action is not be available in the following cases:
- The timelog has a missed punch.
- The timelog is pending, which means that the employee has punched in but hasn’t punched out yet.
- The current selected day is a holiday. In this case, the option is replaced with the Set Holiday Work Time option if it's activated from administration settings.
Set Fast 8
This action is a quick way to add an 8-hour-long entry to the timelog. The system creates an entry from 7 AM to 3 PM, which you are able to edit afterwards. The option is not be available in the following cases:
- The timelog already contains a punch out time between 12 AM and 3:59 PM.
- The timelog has both punch in and punch out times already.
- The timelog has a Leave Request.
- Holiday 8hhas been applied already.
Holiday actions
Holidays are specified under Administration > Holidays > Calendar. In Administration > Holidays > Policies, you can apply the following settings:
- Auto-apply Holiday Policy. If activated, the system automatically applies an 8-hour timelog entry for all the empty timelogs on a holiday and generates a [HOL]pay ID. If the setting is not activated, you can perform the same action manually, using the Set Holiday Leave action on a timelog.
- Apply Holiday Work Policy. If activated, the setting accounts for cases when an employee has worked on a holiday. Such cases fall under the [HOL_WORK] pay ID. The entry is marked as holiday work automatically if the employee makes a punch on that day, and it's also possible to add an entry manually using the Set Holiday Work Time timelog action.
If you mark a date as a holiday, the existing timelog entries for that date are not converted to [HOL_WORK] automatically . You need to use the Set Holiday Work Time action on those timelogs to appply holiday work manually.
Change Job Site
Using this action, you can change the timelog's job site and transfer all the timelog entries to another job site. When you make the change, the timelog will be removed from the current job site's list of timelogs and will appear under the new job site.
You may change the job site of a timelog if you have the Change job site permission enabled for your role in Administration > Role Permissions > Timelogs.
Split Timelog
You may perform the Split Timelog action if you have the Split Timelog permission enabled for your role in Administration => Role Permissions => Timelogs.
The Split Timelog action helps you address the situation when an employee has worked at more than one job site during the day but has punched in and out at one job site only. Splitting the timelog breaks down the entry between two or more job sites. The action opens a sidebar where you can add one or more Split Job Sites on top of the Main Job Site and distribute the timelog's working hours among them. During the distribution process, you see how many hours remain and are notified when you exceed the recorded timelog hours.
When splitting a timelog, the total sum of hours from each job site should be equal to the initial timelog entry duration. In addition, you may not assign 0 hours to the Main Job Site.

Splitting a timelog
There are some differences when splitting a timelog for an hourly and salary employee. The following sections discuss each case in greater detail.
Salary timelog split
The Split Timelog action is available for salary timelogs if the timelog has one or more entries without a leave request. The option is available even if there's a missed punch (for example, the employee has punched in but hasn't punched out), since a default 8-hour entry is applied to a salary timelog if there is at least one punch.
Hourly timelog split
Similar to salary timelogs, for hourly timelogs, the Split Timelog action is available if the timelog has one or more entries without a leave request. However, there are certain cases when the timelog meets the above condition but can't be split:
- If any of the timelog entries has a missed punch.
- One of the timelog entries is already split.
- The timelog is cost coded.
Swap Timelog
Using the swap option, you can swap the timelog's punch in and punch out times. The option becomes available on a timelog entry if the entry contains only a punch in time or only a punch out time. This can occur when, for example, an employee has punched out instead of punching in when entering the job site through the Kiosk App.
You may perform the Swap Timelog action if you have the Swap timelog entries permission enabled for your role in Administration > Role Permissions > Timelogs.
The following GIF illustrates the process of swapping a timelog.

Swapping a timelog
Remove Punch In
Using this action, you can remove a punch in that has already been registered. The action is not available for leave request entries and if the punch time of the entry is missing.
Remove Punch Out
Using this action, you can remove a punch out that has already been registered. The action is not available for leave request entries and if the punch out time of the entry is missing.
Delete Entry
Using this action, you can delete an entry from a timelog.
In case of split timelogs, deleting an entry from any of the split timelogs removes the associated entries from the rest of the split timelogs as well.
Delete Timelog
This action deletes a timelog from the job site. It is available if the timelog doesn't contain any entries.
Leave Request
Leave request indicate reasons for employee absence to allow for accurate reporting and employee tracking. Leave request types are configured under Administration > Settings > Pay IDs > Leave Pay IDs and can be set to be applicable for any or both of the pay groups. When adding a leave request, you also have the option to specify a duration in hours (an integer from 1 to 8).

Adding a leave request to a timelog
Lunch and break policies
Each timelog in the timelogs list can contain Lunch Policy and Break Policy toggles.
Lunch and Break policies are applicable to hourly employees only.

Lunch and Break Policy toggles
If Lunch Policy or Break Policy auto-apply is enabled for the employee (it needs to be enabled for both the employee and job site to be applied on the timelog), the corresponding timelog toggle will be switched on automatically as soon as a punch entry is added to the timelog. In addition, lunch or break duration will be automatically subtracted from the timelog entry. You can then change these settings manually if needed.
You may switch Lunch and Break Polcies if you have the Enable/disable lunch/break policy permission enabled for your role in Administration > Role Permissions > Timelogs.

Enabling/disabling Lunch and Break Policy on a timelog
Crew tags
Crew tag actions are available under the **Crew tag ** column of the employee entry, where you can set a new crew tag to the timelog or edit an existing tag. In the Add tag dialog, you have the following options:
- Crew tag. Selec the crew tag you want to apply.
- Apply for this timelog. Applies the crew tag to the selected timelog only.
- Apply for this and following timelogs. The change will be applied to this and all the new timelogs created afterwards.
- Set as a default crew tag for employee. This option is available for employees assigned to the job site and sets or overrides the employee's default crew tag.

Add crew tag dialog
To add the crew tag, select Add.
Edit crew tags
To edit a timelog's crew tag, select the crew tag on the employee's timelog. This will open a dialog similar to that of the Add tag, where you can update the crew tag and how it's applied.
You also have a Remove option, as highlighted in the following screenshot.

Remove a crew tag
In the remove dialog, you must choose where the crew tag is removed from, as shown in the following screenshot.

Remove dialog
Bulk actions
When you select more than one timelog, a menu with bulk actions appears above the timelogs list. Here, you can perform actions similar to those that are available for individual timelogs.
A bulk action is active (can be performed) for the selected timelogs if all the timelogs meet the preconditions for that action. The following table lists all the available bulk actions and their corresponding preconditions.
Action | Timelog preconditions |
All actions | Selected timelogs need to belong to the same job site and be added on the same day. |
Lunch Policy toggle | All the timelogs are by hourly employees and contain at least one entry. |
Break Policy toggle | All the timelogs are by hourly employees and contain at least one entry. |
Set Fast 8h | None of the timelogs has an entry, and none of the timelogs is split. |
Leave Request | None of the timelogs is split, and all the selected timelog employees are either all hourly employees or all salary employees. |
Change job site | None of the timelogs is split, and none of the timelogs has a leave request. Moreover, all the selected timelogs need to contain one entry only. |
Split | The bulk split action can't be performed if at least one timelog in the selection
Set Punch In Time | None of the timelogs has more than one entry. |
Set Punch Out Time | None of the timelogs has more than one entry. |
Set crew tag | No preconditions. |
Remove crew tag | No preconditions. |
Resolve flags | At least one timelog is flagged. |
Even if a bulk action meets the precondition listed above and is active, there can be additional limitations, which you'll learn about through error messages that are displayed when applying an action.
The following sections discuss some of the bulk actions in greater detail.
Bulk split
After choosing the timelogs and selecting Split, you are taken to a dialog where you need to add the new job sites and distribute the working hours between them.
To add a new job site, select Add job site, choose one or more job sites, and select Apply.
Next, for each timelog, add working hours to new job sites, which will be automatically subtracted from the original job site, as highlighted in the following screenshot.

Distributing working hours between job sites
In each cell, next to the hour selection, you have a button for applying the selected value to all the other timelogs in that job site column. The button is highlighted in the following screenshot.

Hours duplicate button
The sum of the working hours at the original and new job sites must be equal to the total duration of the timelog entry. If the sum exceeds the entry duration, the remaining amount is subtracted from the original job site's hours and you see a warning similar to the one highlighted in the following screenshot.

Exceeding total duration warning
Note that if the sum of the new job site hours is equal to the entry duration, 0 hours remain at the main job site, which is not allowed either. Only after you fix all the issues, the Save button becomes active and you are able to apply the split.
There are a few additional requirements that must be met to be able to apply the split:
- None of the job sites is reviewed for the selected date.
- None of the job sites has payroll approved for the selected date.
- None of the timelogs is cost-coded.
Updated 27 days ago