Schedule employee work
Schedule individual employees and crews.
In this topic, you'll get familiar with the process of scheduling employee work within the Workforce module. You'll learn how to schedule an individual employee, multiple employees at once, and a crew.
Scheduling is activated in Administration () > Settings > Workforce.
To get started, from the left-hand sidebar of your MobiClocks Web App, select the Workforce icon and navigate to the Scheduling tab, as shown in the following screenshot.

Navigating to the Scheduling tab
You may access the Scheduling tab if you have the View "Scheduling" tab permission enabled for your role in Administration () > Role Permissions > Scheduling.
Here, you have a calendar view with the list of job sites on the left-hand side and a date picker at the top.
Step 1: Select a date
From the date picker at the top of the calendar, select the preferred scheduling dates. The following options are available:
- Custom date range
- This week
- This month
Additionally, next to the date picker, you can select from one of the three calendar views:
- Day. This is a regular calendar view where each cell represents a particular day of the week.
- Week. This is a more high-level view where each cell represents a single week.
- Month. In this view, you have the broadest perspective, as each cell represents a single month.
If the selected date range doesn't fit in your screen, use the horizontal scroll at the bottom of the page to navigate left or right.
Step 2: Schedule employees
You can schedule an individual employee, multiple employees at once, or a crew. Each option is discussed in detail in the following sections.
You may add or edit schedules if you have the Create/edit assignment permission enabled for your role in Administration () > Role Permissions > Workforce.
Step 2.1: Schedule an individual employee
Choose a job site from the list of job sites in the scheduling calendar. Expand the job site entry to see the employees that are assigned to the job site. The employees who are not assigned to the job site but have been scheduled at the job site also appear in the list. To schedule employees who are not on the job site list, see Step 2.2: Schedule multiple employees.
By default, all the employees that are assigned to a job site are automatically scheduled at that job site until the job site end date. However, these schedules can be removed or edited.
Follow these steps to add a schedule for an employee:
- Select an empty calendar cell on the employee's row.
- Select dates. By default, the schedule has the same dates as those represented by the cell you selected. However, you can edit the dates if needed.
- Add a note (optional). Select the message icon to add a note to the schedule.
- Notify employees. If the Notify employees checkbox is selected, the scheduled employee will be notified about their new schedule via the Personal App if they use it.
- Select Save to add the schedule.
Step 2.2: Schedule multiple employees
To schedule one or more employees at a particular job site, click on a calendar cell on that job site's row. In the Add a schedule dialog that opens next, you need to perform the following steps:
Select dates. Under Date, you specify the schedule's dates. By default, the schedule has the same dates as those represented by the cell you selected on the job site's row. However, you can edit the dates if needed.
Add a note (optional). Select the message icon to add notes to the schedule.
Notify employees. If the Notify employees checkbox is selected, the scheduled employees will be notified about their new schedule via the Personal App if they use it.
Search and filter employees. Next, locate the employees you want to schedule. You can either search for the employee by their name or company or filter the list of employees by company, job title, pay group, or skills.
Additionally, you have an Include employees with assignments option to include the employees who already have schedules for the selected period or a part of it. The following cases are possible:
If the employee is already scheduled at the same job site, the profile is disabled and not available for selection.
If the employee is already scheduled at one or more other job sites, a warning sign appears on the employee entry. You can hover over the warning sign to see what other job sites the employee is scheduled at. The following screenshot highlights the warning sign on the employee profile.
A warning sign indicating that the employee is scheduled at one or more other job sites on the selected period
Select employees. Now, select the employees that are going to be scheduled. To learn more about each employee, you can either select the name to navigate to the employee profile or select the employee's profile picture to open the employee card on the same page. Select the plus (+) icon on the employee entry to add it to the scheduling list on the right.
To schedule the selected employees, select Schedule in the upper right corner of the dialog.
Step 2.3 Schedule a crew
To schedule a crew, repeat the first four steps in Step 2.2: Schedule multiple employees. In step 5, select all the members of the crew.
In the context of scheduling, crews are distinct entities and are not related to job site crews. Therefore, the crews you create as part of scheduling are only available in the Scheduling section and don't affect other parts of your MobiClocks environment.
Next, perform the following steps:
- Form a crew. Form a crew by selecting the crew leader. In the Add schedule dialog, in the list of selected employees, hover over the employee entry and select the crown icon.
- Specify crew name. By default, the crew is named after the crew leader, but you can edit it.
- Select a color. Assign a color to the crew using the color picker on the right-hand side of the dialog. Crew schedules will appear in the selected color in the calendar.
- To schedule the crew, select Schedule in the upper right corner of the dialog.
Scheduling actions
Create views
You can create multiple views that include a custom selection of job sites. Views are located in the upper right corner of the page. Perform the following steps to create a new view:
- Select Create view.
- Specify a View name.
- Select the job sites you want to include in the view.
- Select Create to save the view
- Access the new view from the list of views.
Edit views
To edit an existing view, select the edit icon next to the view name in the list of views, as highlighted in the following screenshot.

Editing views
The view editing dialog is similar to the view creation dialog discussed earlier. After you're done editing the view, select Save to save your changes. You also have the option of deleting the view using the Delete button. The following screenshot shows the view editing dialog.

View editing
Share views
Share views with other users in your MobiClocks environment. Users that access your view, start seeing it in their list of views. To share a view, perform the following steps:
- Select the share icon next to the view name in the list.
- Search for users and Add them. Added users appear in the list under Shared with, as shown in the following screenshot.

Share views
- Select Save to share the view with all the selected users.
The list of users can be modified later on. You may add more users or remove existing ones.
Updated about 16 hours ago