Permissions reference

The complete list of all the permissions with descriptions.

This section includes the complete list of all the permissions for each MobiClocks module. Each subsection is dedicated to a single module and contains a table with the name of the permission and its description.


Add/edit certificationAdd or edit employee certifications.
Self add/edit timelogAdd or edit own timelogs.
Add face templateAdd a photo to employee face templates from timelog details
Assign/unassign to job site(s)Assign employees to and unassign from job sites.
Employee company changeChange an employee's company.
Change employee roleChange an employee's role.
Change user account settingsConfigure employee user accounts.
Create new employeeManually create an employee profile.
Delete draft employeeDelete an employee profile that has a Draft status.
Delete certificationDelete an employee's certification.
Edit Meal/Rest Break PolicyEdit meal and rest break policy settings in the employee profile.
Edit general settingsEdit general settings in the employee profile.
Edit pay ratesEdit employee pay rates.
Edit UD fieldsEdit user-defined fields.
Enable/disable employeeChange the employee profile status to Active or Disabled.
Export employeesExport the list of employees in XLSX format.
Import employeesImport the list of employees in XLSX format.
Employee permission overrideOverride employee permissions from the employee profile.
View employee profileView employee profiles.
Self splittingSplit own timelogs.
Send employee activation linkSend a link for activating the employee.
Set payroll item groupConfigure payroll item mapping.
View "Certifications" tabView the Certification tab in the employee profile.
View "Employees" tabView the Employees module.
Edit employee profileEdit the employee profile and its subsections.
View hourly employee rateView the pay rates of hourly employees.
View salary employee rateView the pay rates of salary employees.


Add new timelog from job site employeesManually add a new timelog from the Job site employees tab.
Add commentsAdd comments to timelogs.
Add new timelog from All employeesManually add a new timelog from the All employees tab.
Review job siteApprove daily timelogs.
Bulk resolve flagsResolve flags in bulk.
Change job siteChange the job site of a timelog.
Edit others' daily job logs
Update time logUpdate timelogs
Enable/disable fixed meal/rest breakEnable or disable fixed meal and rest break on a timelog.
Reject job siteReject approved timelogs for a job site.
Resolve/Unresolve flags and commentsResolve and resolve timelog flags and comments from timelog details.
Split time logSplit timelogs.
Swap time log entriesSwap timelog entries.
View "Time Logs" tabView the Timelogs module.

Job Sites

Assign/unassign crew tag to employeeAssign or unassign crew tags in job site employees.
Assign/unassign employee to job siteAssign or unassign employees to a job site.
Copy cost codeCopy cost codes from the Cost codes section of a job site.
Create job siteManually create a job site.
Create cost codeCreate cost codes from the Cost codes section of a job site.
Create pay classCreate pay classes from the Pay classes section of a job site.
Delete/edit all documentsDelete or edit any of the job site documents.
Edit Meal/Rest Break PolicyEdit the meal and rest break policy of a job site.
Edit burden settingsEdit payroll burden.
Edit/delete cost codeEdit or delete cost codes from the Cost codes section of a job site.
Add/edit/copy crew tagAdd, edit, or copy crew tags in job site employees .
Add/edit default cost codeAdd or edit default cost codes.
Edit employee per diemEdit per diem in job site employees .
Edit general settingsConfigure the general settings of a job site.
Add/edit geofenceAdd or edit the geofence zones of a job site.
Edit GPS settingsEdit the GPS settings of a job site.
Edit "Job Site Hours" policyEdit the working hours of a job site.
Edit/delete pay classEdit or delete pay classes from the Pay classes section of a job site.
Edit per diem settingsEdit per diem settings.
Edit production quantity trackingEdit production quantity tracking.
Enable/disable cost codeEnable or disable cost codes.
Enable/disable pay classEnable or disable pay classes.
Export job sitesExport the list of job sites.
Export cost codesExport cost codes.
Import cost codesImport cost codes.
View "Job Sites" tabView the Job sites module.
Upload/edit own documentsUpload job site documents and edit your own documents.
View "Cost Codes" tabView the Cost codes section of a job sites.
View/comment documentsView and comment on job site documents.
View "Employees" tabView Job site employees.
View job site/employee per diem ratesView per diem in job site employees .
View "Pay Classes" tabView the pay classes section of a job site.
View "Settings" tabView Job site settings.
View "Tracking" tabView the Tracking section of a job site.
Share job site with General ContractorShare a job site with a General Contractor.
MobiLink tab viewView the MobiLink section of a job site.


Activate clockActivate the Kiosk clock to link Kiosk App to the Kiosk clock.
Add new clockAdd a new Kiosk clock to connect Web App and Kiosk App.
Delete clockDelete a Kiosk clock.
Edit clockEdit Kiosk clock details and settings.
Export clocksExport the complete list of Kiosk clocks.
Reset any clockReset any Kiosk App.
Reset clocks at assigned job sitesReset a Kiosk app at the same job site as yours.
View "Clocks" tabAccess the Clocks module.

Cost Coding

Cost code all timelogsApply cost codes to any timelog in your environment.
Download production quantity reportExport the data from the Production quantity section of Cost coding.
Add/edit production quantityAdd or edit data in the Production quantity section of Cost coding.
View "Production Quantity" tabAccess Production quantity.
View "Cost Coding" tabAccess the Cost coding module.
Self cost codingApply cost codes to your own timelogs only.