Permissions reference

The complete list of all the permissions with descriptions.

This section includes the complete list of all the permissions for each MobiClocks module. Each subsection is dedicated to a single module and contains a table with the name of the permission and its description.


Activate clockActivate the Kiosk clock to link Kiosk App to the Kiosk clock.
Add new clockAdd a new Kiosk clock to connect Web App and Kiosk App.
Delete clockDelete a Kiosk clock.
Edit clockEdit Kiosk clock details and settings.
Export clocksExport the complete list of Kiosk clocks.
Reset any clockReset any Kiosk App.
Reset clocks at assigned job sitesReset a Kiosk app at the same job site as yours.
View "Clocks" tabAccess the Clocks module.

Cost Coding

Cost code all timelogsApply cost codes to any timelog in your environment.
Download production quantity reportExport the data from the Production quantity section of Cost coding.
Add/edit production quantityAdd or edit data in the Production quantity section of Cost coding.
View "Production Quantity" tabAccess Production quantity.
View "Cost Coding" tabAccess the Cost coding module.
Self cost codingApply cost codes to your own timelogs only.