Import employees

What methods are available for employee bulk import.

You can import employee profiles either manually by uploading a file or by syncing with an integrated platform. This guide discusses these two options.

Manual employee import

You can use the manual import option to import an Excel file with a list of employees. This can be useful if you already have an employee database in a third-party system that is not integrated with MobiClocks.



Your role needs to have the Import employees permission activated under Administration > Role Permissions > Employees to be able to do a manual employee import.



In case of a manual employee import, there are no auto-sync options. Therefore, you need to perform the import again manually in case your employee data has been updated externally and you want to update it in MobiClocks as well.

To start the import process, navigate to the Employees section from the left-hand navbar of your MobiClocks Web App. Next, select the Import/Export button and choose the Import Excel option. In the dialog box that opens next, download the Excel template. The following GIF illustrates the file download process.

Downloading the Excel template

Downloading the Excel template

The template consists of the following optional and required fields:

  • First Name (Required)
  • Last Name (Required)
  • Employee Number (Optional or Required depending on the employee's company settings). If the employee number is set to be auto-generated from company details, then this field can be left blank for the employees who are part of that company. The number will be auto-generated for each employee upon import. Otherwise, if the auto-generate setting is deactivated, you need to provide a number for each employee inside the template.
  • Pay Group(Required). Set a pay group. The value can be either HOURLY or SALARY.
  • Company (Required). Specify the employee's company. The company needs to exist in your Mobiclocks environment prior to import in order to be mapped correctly. Please, note that the company name is case-sensitive.
  • Email (Optional).
  • Cell Phone Number (Optional).

The following screenshot shows an empty template document for importing employees.

Employee import template

Employee import template document

Additionally, the template document includes a sheet with placeholder data that you can use to make sure your real data follows the correct formatting. The placeholder sheet is shown in the following screenshot.

Template with placeholder data

Template with placeholder data

When your document with a list of employees is ready, select the Upload button on the employee import dialog box, upload your file, and select Save.



The imported employee profiles are assigned a Draft status, and you are able to activate them after adding profile pictures. Read more in Manually create an employee.

Manual employee export

Apart from importing employees, you also have the option to export employee profiles from your MobiClocks environment.



Your role needs to have the Export employees permission activated under Administration > Role Permissions > Employees to be able to export employees.

To export your complete list of employees, select the Import/Export button and choose the Export Excel option. This will export an Excel document that contains all the possible employee fields. The fields that don't contain any data (for example, if the corresponding property is not activated for your employee profiles) will be left blank. The following screenshot shows an example of a document with exported data.

An example of an exported employee list

An example of an exported employee list

Importing employees from third-party platforms

Mobiclocks has a number of integrations, some of which also support employee import. To import the data, you first need to sync it from the connected platform to view it in MobiClocks and decide what to import to your environment. In such cases, the employee sync is a one-way synch and can take place from the third-party platform to Mobiclocks only and not vice versa.

The integrations that support employee sync have a separate Employees tab where the list of employees is available. The following screenshot shows an example of the Employees tab of an HCSS integration.

HCSS Employees tab

HCSS Employees tab

See How integrations work to get familiar with importing data from third-party platforms. If an integration has some additional settings for employee import, these are discussed in the integration's documentation available in the Integrations section.

After importing employees, you must activate them. Proceed to the next section to learn how.

Employee activation

All the newly imported employee profiles are assigned a Draft status as they don't have a profile picture, which is a required property for an active employee. To activate the profile, you must add a profile picture and change the profile status. See Manually create an employee for more details on this.

An employee profile can also become Draft if any of the required employee profile fields are missing. For example, MobiClocks environments with an enterprise structure have a Set org unit and companyin HCSS or Vista. If you set an org unit but don't set a company for an employee profile that has already been imported to MobiClocks, you will update your MobiClocks employee profile with a missing company field, and the profile will become Draft.