Applying holiday policies.
In the Policies tab of the Holidays page, you select which days of the week are considered non-working days.
Next, you have the following two options for Hourly and Salary employees:
- Auto-apply Holiday Policy. If activated, the system automatically applies an 8-hour timelog entry for all the empty timelogs on a holiday and generates a [HOL] pay ID. If the setting is not activated, you can perform the same action manually, using the Set Holiday Leave timelog action on the timelog.
- Apply Holiday Work Policy. If activated, it is possible to account for cases when an employee has worked on a holiday and mark those days under the [HOL_WORK][HOL_WORK] pay ID. The entry will be marked as holiday work automatically if the employee punches on that day, and it's also possible to add an entry manually using the Set Holiday Work Time timelog action.
Updated 10 days ago